** TagInfo Scan (version 5.0.0) 15-may-24 13:00:04 ** Report Type: -- IC INFO ------------------------------ # IC Manufacturer: NXP Semiconductors # IC Type: NTAG210μ # NFC Forum NDEF-compliant tag: Type 2 Tag -- NDEF ------------------------------ # NFC data set information: NDEF message containing 1 record Current message size: 39 bytes Maximum message size: 39 bytes NFC data set access: Read-Only # Record #1: URI record: Type Name Format: NFC Forum well-known type Short Record type: "U" protocol field: http:// URI field: p.nfc-link.com/start.php?id=726076 Payload length: 35 bytes Payload data: [00] 03 70 2E 6E 66 63 2D 6C 69 6E 6B 2E 63 6F 6D 2F |.p.nfc-link.com/| [10] 73 74 61 72 74 2E 70 68 70 3F 69 64 3D 37 32 36 |start.php?id=726| [20] 30 37 36 |076 | # NDEF message: [00] D1 01 23 55 03 70 2E 6E 66 63 2D 6C 69 6E 6B 2E |..#U.p.nfc-link.| [10] 63 6F 6D 2F 73 74 61 72 74 2E 70 68 70 3F 69 64 |com/start.php?id| [20] 3D 37 32 36 30 37 36 |=726076 | # NDEF Capability Container (CC): Mapping version: 1.0 Maximum NDEF data size: 48 bytes NDEF access: Read & Write E1 10 06 00 |.... | -- EXTRA ------------------------------ # Memory Information: 48 bytes user memory * 12 pages, with 4 bytes per page # IC Information: Full product name: NT2H1001G0DUx # Version information: Vendor ID: NXP Semiconductors Type: NTAG Subtype: 50 pF Major version: 2 Minor version: V0 Storage size: 48 bytes Protocol: ISO/IEC 14443-3 # Originality Check (asymmetric): Signature verified with NXP public key # TagInfo Version: Version :5.0.0 # Device Info: Device Model :samsung ( SM-G9600 ) Android OS Version :10 -- FULL SCAN ------------------------------ # Technologies Supported: ISO/IEC 14443-3 (Type A) compatible ISO/IEC 14443-2 (Type A) compatible # Android Technology Information: Tag description: * TAG: Tech [android.nfc.tech.NfcA, android.nfc.tech.MifareUltralight, android.nfc.tech.Ndef] * Maximum transceive length: 253 bytes * Default maximum transceive time-out: 618 ms # Detailed Protocol Information: ID: 04:30:C8:CA:8B:11:90 ATQA: 0x4400 SAK: 0x00 # Memory Content: --------------------------------------